"- Prof. Jonez©"
20 years ago
Trend: You smoke? You're fired! [05/13-1]
Excerpts from: Trend: You smoke? You're fired!
By Stephanie Armour, USA TODAY[05/11/05]
More companies are taking action against employees who smoke off-duty, and, in
an extreme trend that some call troubling, some are now firing or banning the
hiring of workers who light up even on their own time.
The outright bans raise new questions about how far companies can go in
regulating workers' behavior when they are off the clock. The crackdown is
coming in part as a way to curb soaring health care costs, but critics say
companies are violating workers' privacy rights. The zero-tolerance policies are
coming as more companies adopt smoke-free workplaces.
Weyco, a medical benefits provider based in Okemos, Mich., this year banned
employees from smoking on their own time. Employees must submit to random tests
that detect if someone has smoked. They must also agree to searches of
briefcases, purses or other belongings if company officials suspect tobacco or
other banned substances have been brought on-site. Those who smoke may be
suspended or fired.
About 20 employees have quit smoking under the policy, and a handful were fired
after they opted out of the testing. "The main goal is to elevate the health
status of our employees," says Gary Climes, chief financial officer.
Excerpts from: Trend: You smoke? You're fired!
By Stephanie Armour, USA TODAY[05/11/05]
More companies are taking action against employees who smoke off-duty, and, in
an extreme trend that some call troubling, some are now firing or banning the
hiring of workers who light up even on their own time.
The outright bans raise new questions about how far companies can go in
regulating workers' behavior when they are off the clock. The crackdown is
coming in part as a way to curb soaring health care costs, but critics say
companies are violating workers' privacy rights. The zero-tolerance policies are
coming as more companies adopt smoke-free workplaces.
Weyco, a medical benefits provider based in Okemos, Mich., this year banned
employees from smoking on their own time. Employees must submit to random tests
that detect if someone has smoked. They must also agree to searches of
briefcases, purses or other belongings if company officials suspect tobacco or
other banned substances have been brought on-site. Those who smoke may be
suspended or fired.
About 20 employees have quit smoking under the policy, and a handful were fired
after they opted out of the testing. "The main goal is to elevate the health
status of our employees," says Gary Climes, chief financial officer.